
Case Study

Elsevier - Geofacets a modern information solution for geoscientists

Geofacets is a modern information solution for geoscientists, it offers the world’s largest geological database with over 1.75 million maps, figures, and tables. Geofacets is backed by Elsevier - an information analytics business specializing in science and health, which we have continuously worked with for multiple products.

 DOOR3 | Elsevier - Geofacets   DOOR3 | Elsevier - Geofacets

The Challenge

Redesigning an outdated product with hard-to-use features for multiple user groups

The features and UI design of Geofacets hadn’t changed much in the ten years since it launched; the focus had been on adding additional content, which makes the interface difficult to understand and use. The UI no longer met users’ expectations nor Elsevier brand guidelines.

DOOR3 was brought in to help Geofacets prioritizing features, making the product meet the typically detail-oriented needs of academic users and researchers, and the more solution-oriented needs of corporate engineers and executives.

Our Goal

Improve to create a more efficient and personalized experience for geoscientists to increase engagement

With a large database, efficiency is the key, geoscientists need a faster approach to make better interpretations and recommendations. Geofacets seeks to solve the UX/UI issues within the current app, identify and ideate new features to enable faster discovery of information, improve user engagement, and stay consistent with Elsevier branding. One of the main goals of the project is to increase efficiency by accelerating exploration research.

  DOOR3 Elsevier Partnership - Redesigning an Outdated Product

Our Process

Discovery and research, wireframe and iteration

We identify business goals, understand users and competitors, prioritize features.

The target user groups range from geoscientists to academics and executives, with primary users being geoscientists, who work in regional teams during exploration and development. For ideation purposes, the team analyzed competitors across domains to understand their strengths and weaknesses for specific features. Based on these analyses, we categorized the features from highest to lowest priority to further discuss with the users.

We give specific feature improvements and suggestions based on in-depth user interviews, create wireframes for review and iteration.

To understand the needs and wants of our target audiences, we conducted in-depth, one-on-one user interviews. We then summarized details for improvements within several major areas, including global overall structure and header bar, search, search with map and search results, etc. As a next step, we created low-fidelity wireframes to describe a maximum of 5 prioritized features for review and iteration with the client stakeholder team.

  DOOR3 Elsevier Partnership - Redesigning an Outdated Product

Our Solution

Reducing information overload with straightforward search and elegant view

Organized overall structure with easy-to-use features and more personalized content

We simplified the global view by redesigning layout and reducing functionalities. With a highlight on persona based view, and saved list and search results, we made it more personalized for individual users.

Simplified search approach with tools and features more accessible

It’s essential to have a simple search approach to narrow down results for the users quickly, we provided easily addable and removable filters and made spatial search more prominent.

Easily viewable search results and sharing functionality

Results displaying page and result details page can be messy with too much content and functionality. An easily viewable structure is a must.

DOOR3 Elsevier Partnership