The DOOR3 Disaster Relief Fund


Russia’s unprovoked and illegal war on Ukraine has brought death, suffering, and destruction to cites, hospitals, and daycares—to peaceful places that once supported life and brought comfort to a country of 44 million people.

Yesterday, a Ukrainian colleague displaced by the war and living abroad with her child, mentioned how important education has become to her son as a way to remain in contact with the life he’s left behind. What I found remarkable was how unremarkable this was to her, that Vlad’s teachers, living in Ukraine, continue to show up and teach. It isn’t just Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky who’s showing up and profiling courage, but also everyday citizens.

By bringing violence to the most vulnerable—civilians, the elderly, and children—this war tests civilization, both in Ukraine and here, in the United States. The people of Ukraine have risen to meet this test with resolve, strength, and humanity. They have shown the world what courage looks like.

The welfare of our Ukrainian colleagues and their families remains a first-order priority for DOOR3, which is why we have created the DOOR3 Disaster Relief Fund, a charitable 501(c)(3) organization (expedited application pending). This fund will help our colleagues in Ukraine who are unable to work or have been displaced due to the war.

Our colleagues—and their families—have left behind their homes, family, and friends. They are experiencing the traumas of war: exile, loss, and insecurity.

This fund will aid our Ukrainian colleagues and their families by helping to replace the financial security lost to war. This includes aid to meet the greater expenses of living away from home and help to replace income lost to the war. The loss of internet connectivity is all it takes. But the threats of injury and trauma also loom as risks to work.

The fund is barely two weeks old, and we’ve already received over $65,000 from friends and clients. Thank you. We will gratefully add these donations to our founding pledge of $100,000.

If you would like to donate, please do so here:

May the people of Ukraine be safe. May they be free from worry.


Think it might be time to bring in some extra help?