DOOR3 at NYC Camp: A global gathering of Open Source enthusiasts


Are you ready for the 2015 NYC Camp? We are at DOOR3!

NYC Camp (pronounced “nice camp”) is an Open-Source conference, with a focus on accelerated learning to help attendees contribute back to their projects and communities. This year the camp is hosted at the United Nations from July 16th - 19th (pre-camp sprints starting the 13th - 15th). Hundreds of people gather from all over the world to attend sessions, collaborate in sprints, and network with other Drupalers for this conference.

Events like this provide a great opportunity to meet members of the community and learn about the awesome things they’re doing with Drupal. There are a ton of sessions across a wide variety of categories and skill levels. Some interesting topics include Drupal 8 theming, data visualization, accessibility, headless Drupal (using Drupal to manage content and provide it via services to some other technology to display it), and many more.

You can find Antonio Estevez, Erik Vilinskas, and myself at the camp representing DOOR3. Antonio will even be giving a presentation regarding non-code assets in Drupal: Love Your Load Times.

Make sure to say hi if you see one of us in a session or at the awesome networking happy hours!

Think it might be time to bring in some extra help?